It’s been said that you can influence what people say about your brand, but that you can’t own the conversation. We live in a world where customers can easily create and share negative reviews, making brand reputation difficult to manage. The quickness of the Internet and the pervasiveness of social media in our lives today mean that all companies need to closely examine how they interact with their customers at every stage of the game – from first marketing contact to continued customer service.

If you can’t own the conversation about your brand, the next best thing you can do is help direct the conversation where you want it to go. In order to do this, however, you are going to need to develop some cross-departmental synergy – which might not come easy for every company. The customer expects a consistent brand experience, from how ads are presented to their in-person customer service experience. If your Marketing, Sales and Customer Service departments aren’t sharing information and working together, you risk creating brand discord, alienating the customer and excluding yourself from the brand conversation.

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